India Hines, “Food 4 Your Soul” The Radio Show & President No Junk Productions

Fashion Uncorked 2013Hey Beautiful People! Welcome to NO Junk Productions, the home of “Food 4 Your Soul” The Radio Show and Events.  I’m honored that you stopped by. I’d love to know what you think about the radio show if you’ve listened to the show or what you thought about an event you’ve attended. Your comments will help me strive to keep doing the best job possible to bring you the best in music, entertainment and events. If you haven’t listened to the show or attended an event, stop and take a listen by tuning in to the show worldwide @ or locally in the metropolitan Atlanta area on 860 AM.

Today is a new day! I’d like to know how you are doing during these challenging days.  Are you looking at each day as an opportunity to reinvent yourself, your business, your path to success or are you content staying in the place where you are accepting that this is all there is to life?  Reach out and share with me. When you reach out if you own a business I will gladly give your business a shout out on one of my PM radio shows.

Continue to STAND STRONG and remember you are in control of how you move forward in life.  GO GET IT!


  1. Keith Durden says:

    Here is something great: The more I learn about God by attending Church, Sunday School and Bible Study the higher my faith in God gets and his love for us is better understood. His expectations of us is understood. I continue to gain peace as I turn things over to him. I have learn how to relate to the Holy Spirit that resides in me.

    God bless you and all of your initiatives.

    (We met at Baking For Babies a couple of years ago)


  2. Juanita Thompson says:

    India Hines,

    My Sister, my friend! I just wanted to say I thank God for you India. We have a Radio Station with a Positive attitude we can Trust! I love you and your positive messages. Your station has a very great influence on our Community. I appreciate that I am able to tune into Food For Your Soul that is for my “OUR” Soul as a family! Thank You!

    Keep up the good work! God is truly using you in a great and POSITIVE way!

    Be blessed,
    Juanita Thompson
    CEO- The “Believe In Me” Project

  3. Hi India, the new site looks “positively beautiful” just like you. Keep up the great work of motivating others with your positive influence. You are AWESOME!

  4. Gifti Paulos says:

    I’m so proud of everything you’ve done but most of all I love your upbeat and enthusiastic attitude toward life. Lord knows we need more people like you in this world. We need people like you who can lift our spirits and urge us to pursue our dreams. Thank you for being such a great inspiration to me and to everyone you meet. Keep on shining for His glory !!

  5. Elsie Thornton says:

    Hello India,
    We are listening now to your show online at the airport t using our cell phones.
    Cary & Elsie Thornton

  6. Elsie Thornton says:

    You were just great today and we love the music also.
    Elsie Thornton

  7. Your new website is just uplifting as you are India we Love you and keep that smile on our face and heart! Cheers!!!

  8. Absolutely love the show! There’s nothing like listening to positive music and receiving inspiration on a daily basis!

  9. Tia Williams says:

    India, you are a true inspiration to me. Your new website is LIVE, EXCITING and POSITIVELY positive… just like you! Thank you for all you do! SMOOCHES!!!!

  10. Mary Chatman says:

    Hi India,
    Love the new web design! It’s so you, beautiful, inviting and POSITIVELY POSITIVE! Miss you Lady! Much love, Mary C!

  11. Trei says:

    India Love Love the new site. Happy Holidays to you. Keep shining.


  12. Peggie Watson says:

    Excited about your upcoming show today, the highlight of my week. Thanks for continuing to inspire, motivate, and create godly snacks of wisdom for us to feast on to sustain us throughout the work week. I love it most when I hear you call us “beautiful people” amd “kings and queens”. For we know this is who we are in Christ Jesus, but it is so awesome to hear you say it over and over again. Love you, love you!

  13. Gifti Paulos says:

    Loved your outfit from your 7th Anniversary celebration and how amazing you looked! Congratulations! So proud of you! I’m excited to see where God is taking you!

  14. “When you are joyful, when you say yes to life and have fun and project positivity all around you, you become like the sun and the SON in the center of your world, and people want to be near you.” India, you are like sunshine…thanks for who you are and what you do. Blessings always, your friend, Antonia

  15. “You” Miss India! You are most positive thing, “You” are the beauty and the light, you are the joy, it’s you India and I am so grateful for you!

  16. D.Holmes says:

    Postive…let’s see– you are positive!!’ Thanks India for helping to expose people to wonderful opportunities held in the community through your giveaways, and email blast. It really helps to keep people aware and connected. We need that in our community.


  17. Unemployed for over two years and still believing God, learning what patience is all about and understanding self-control. It’s easy to just want the fruits of the Spirit, such as love, joy and peace, but you get a closer walk with God when you enter into the of the fruits of patience and self-control (dealing with your own behavior in the storm). I thank God for growing me in my valley, even though I’m not out yet, my walk is growing stronger and you can’t get more positive than that. Hallelujah!!!!

  18. God is always with us and travels with us so continue to trust him.

  19. Hi India thank you so much for bining the good hearted person that you are, it’s been awhile sense I’ve seen you but,I See that you still have that same kind spirit.and again thanks for giving me faith in my self, to keep moving toward my goals in music and A oppertunity to do so, I just love your spirit God bless you more.

  20. Monica Sanchez says:


    You and your show are another thread in the beautiful tapestry that the source of all light and love is creating in my life at this very moment. I am so thankful that such blinding positivity has reached my soul.


  21. My Positively Positive Message Today:

    It has been stated, “Comfort is the Enemy of Achievement.” Therefore, move to the place of discomfort. The place where the Power of Faith must be activated to achieve the ordained vision.
    – Nash Alexander, III, Chief Relationship Officer, Alexander Marketing Group, LLC
    “Changing the World, One Sip At a Time!”, Sip For Your Cause™!

    I’ve got you scheduled today at 2:00 to hear the broadcast. Keep being Positively Positive India, Blessings!!!

  22. Sherney Boone says:

    A positive outlook is essential to the soul!

  23. Dawn Causey says:

    Be true to yourself and others will respect you for who you are. Transparency is the key to your success!

  24. Anonymous says:

    Hi India – thank you for you wonderful words of God’s love and wisdom! I’m single currently, but Your guest today is giving me hope for a wonderful marriage when that time comes! Love you!! Tonya Attaway

  25. Listen to you on the radio from Houston, TX. What a blessing to hear your voice and your inspirational messages. Keep up the good work. We love you here in Houston.

  26. My Positively Positive Message for Today:

    India “Race” was exceptionally wonderful. Everyone should take a break, escape and rejuvenate with this stupendous play. My son, Nash IV (19 years old), and I enjoyed our escape and rejuvenated together, Thank you for the gift of a great memory with him.

    Everyone, take time to escape with family, friend, significant other. Peace, love, joy…TRUE success!!!

    “Changing the World, One SIP at Time”

    Nash Alexander, III, Chief Relationship Officer
    Alexander Marketing Group, LLC
    Sip For Your Cause™

  27. Proverbs 21:5
    “The plans of hard-working people earn a profit, but those who act too quickly become poor.”
    Brothers and sisters, work hard so that GOD can bring about the increase. Stay strong, focused and work diligently.

  28. Annette Davis Jackson says:

    Life and love is . . . Perfecting your love walk where love is always the decision of the day and night!

  29. curtis willis says:

    Tje Black Bride show is worth every penny you will pay. Brothers get you and your lady a ticket and i will see you there.

  30. Avis Foley says:

    Hi India,

    It was a pleasure meeting you!!! It is so AWESOME & EMPOWERING to meet authentic African-American women who are thriving in excellence. Thank you for making me feel comfortable & POSITIVELY POSITIVE!!!

    India Hines will interview BellaBlack, author of “BLUE”, at her Book Release on March 30, 2014 @ 5pm.

    RSVP to attend at

    Peace & Blessings!

  31. Last Wednesday was a very windy day in Lithonia and as I sat at my computer looking through my window part of my tree split off in one crack. The tree didn’t fall on my house or my neighbors and by a miracle it landed only on my property. I thought how blessed I am to know a God who orchestrates the direction of the wind and it’s outcome. By faith, I believed to get the tree limbs cut up so I went out yesterday with my power saw and God sent the AT&T man to help me start cutting the tree on his way to fix a cable, then two other neighbors came by and assisted. Who says God doesn’t have a ram in the bush when you need one. God is good all the time. We just have to keep the faith all the time.

  32. Timothy Preston says:

    Hi India,

    My name is Timothy Preston. I am a good friend of Deborah Griggs. My positive message for today is: Do not let circumstances or people’s expectations control you. Be firm as you stand true to God, and refuse to compromise his standards for living.


  33. Peggie Watson says:

    Hi Beautiful Lady Ms. India,
    My positively positive message to you today is that I admire your beautiful, sweet spirit that you continously sow into the atmosphere that truly exemplify the nature of godliness. Your radical efforts to inspire others to be their best example of Jesus in this earth motivates me to keep that same inspiration going in my own. Inspiration to be a giver, and to pass on the greatness that god has put in all of us — to love one another the way that Jesus loves us. This is your great testimony.

    As always, I look forward to your upcoming show today.

    Love Peggie

  34. Tiffany Graham says:

    You are such an inspiration! You are such a positive and influentual person. Continue letting the Lord use use, you are such a blessing!

  35. Fay says:

    Wow India,

    Great station, I love your site. Keep up the amazing work!
    Nice meeting you at the Epic Women conference.

    Love Fay
    from Toronto

  36. M. Martin says:

    Hi India!

    Thank you for ALWAYS letting your beautiful light shine so brightly and for being a champion for positivity and community service. The world is truly a much better place because you are here 🙂

    Ms. Martin

  37. Darlene says:

    A special thanks to a beautiful positive young lady who touches ad encourages people to reach their goals and build their dreams Than you India you are fantastic and i am honored to know you!!! You are positively BEAUTIFUL!!

  38. Kyra says:

    You SHINE, India! Thank you for being a blessing in my life!


  39. Kyra Goldman says:

    Enjoying listening to my brothers, Go2 on your show right now. Thanks for supporting positive music!! And for being a light in the world!

  40. Gifti Paulos says:

    Love your shows! Always inspirational and full of helpful and exciting news! Your show is a reminder that with God all things are possible and we shouldn’t settle for less than our best! We would be undermining his sacrifice on the cross if we did that! Thank you for showing us all what it means to shine for His glory through the good, the bad and the ugly!

  41. Hello India,
    You are an awesome woman! Thank you for your passion, spirituality, and love for people. You are so involved in the community and what others are doing. Your willingness to help your fellow man is wonderful. GOD bless you in everything you do! Much love & hugs.
    True Dreams Committee

  42. Jessica Evans says:

    Love Love LOVE the show, keep up the great work India you’re a rockstar!!!!

  43. Sharon Walker says:

    Thank you for keepng us in the KNOW on what happening in the Atlanta area. You are definitely anointed for radio. .Keep up the good work. May God continue to bless you.

  44. Peggie Watson says:

    My positively positive message for today is live, laugh, and love everyday with all you heart. You deserve to live life full of the joy of the Lord. So take it by force if necessary.


  45. Deborah Griggs says:

    Hey Beautiful Lady
    If you dont Stand for Something You will Fall for Anything!! Thank you for Standing for so much good.Thanks for featuring my Pastor Montel and Victory World Church today!

    Deborah Griggs

  46. Gwendolyn Johnson says:

    Hello India,

    Your are truly an asset to the Kingdom.
    Real talk,(Godly Talk)from real people. There is a difference in
    quoting scripture and trying to live them.

    Love you

    Gwen Johnson

  47. Darlene Mote says:

    Dear India,

    My positive thought today is I thank God for blessing me to see another day and help me find a better way to serve him as I think of ways to serve those who are less fortunate than me. Although I’m struggling as an entrepreneur I’m so thankful for the blessings I do have. (sustenance and covering) I know God will continue to bless me as long as I put him first, everything else will succeed.

    Darlene Mote
    Seacret Agent for Seacret Direct

  48. Andrea Mason says:

    The lord said luke 11.13 kjb ask, seek and knock and the door will be opened so a am asking for the tickets

  49. Tia Marie says:

    Renewing and transforming like a caterpillar in a cocoon. The engine that drives the forces inside of us. Rebuilding and reconstructing. Taring down and putting to rest the old self. The mind is a Battlefield. Remember , you become what you think. Think discouraging thoughts, and you’ll get discouraged.”
    ― Joyce Meyer, Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your Mind

    “Our actions are a direct result of our thoughts. If we have a negative mind, we will have a negative life.”
    ― Joyce Meyer, Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your Mind

    “your life will not get straightened out until your mind does.”
    ― Joyce Meyer, Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your Mind

    MUCH LOVE to you my friend India !

    Tia Marie

  50. Loretta Morgan says:

    Greetings India,

    Thank you, so much for putting positive vibes into the World! Today as I start out with what seems an endless list of things to do.

    I’m moved by my morning prayer words. Isaiah 40:31 “Those that wait on the Lord shall Renew their Strength!They will run and not get Weary,walk and not Faint”

    Knowing I have the Strength is getting me through this Day!

    Keep the Faith,Press towards the goal and know we are in his Grip!

    Love you Much~ Loretta :-0))

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